Vapor IO stories

VMware and Vapor IO collaborate to simplify deployment of 5G and real-time applications
Fri, 11th Jun 2021
it automation
VMware and Vapor IO collaborate with a Multi-Cloud Services Grid to simplify and lower costs when deploying distributed 5G and real-time applications.

VMware, Vapor IO head Open Grid Alliance with plans to 'rearchitect the internet'
Thu, 22nd Apr 2021
network infrastructure
Dell Technologies, DriveNets, MobiledgeX and PacketFabric are all supporting the cause to evolve the internet.

Vapor IO claims 'world first' software-defined edge interconnect solution
Mon, 11th Nov 2019
edge computing
Vapor IO unveils the 'world's first' software-defined edge interconnect solution, KEX, set to deploy in Chicago and Atlanta with Digital Realty.

Microsoft, Vapor & former IBM CTO share insights at DCD Zettastructure
Wed, 8th Nov 2017
datacentre infrastructure
industrial iot
DCD Zettastructure 2017 has started with a bang with many heavyweights involved in the opening stages focusing on AI, IoT and edge computing.

Vapor IO joins Open Data Center Alliance
Tue, 19th Apr 2016
software development
Vapor IO has joined the Open Data Center Alliance, with the ODCA saying it anticipates the vendor will offer much in terms of new innovation.

Vapor IO ups ante for open data center architectures
Tue, 15th Mar 2016
Vapor IO has teamed with the Open Compute Project, AppliedMicro and Baselayer to modernise data centers through open source projects.

It's a rack, Jim, but not as we know it...
Fri, 18th Dec 2015
vapor io
it infrastructure
United States data center solution provider Vapor IO has completed its first round of funding for the first hyper collapsed disaggregated data centre.