Social Media stories - Page 24

Kiwis fall foul of Twitter’s dark side
Mon, 6th Oct 2014
email security
digital entertainment
Any time you use a social media service, it provides an additional opportunity for spammers, scammers and malicious masterminds to take advantage.

Facebook: to follow or unfollow
Thu, 2nd Oct 2014
data privacy
social media
Amy Pratt explores Facebook's unfollow feature, a quiet escape from over-sharing without the drama of unfriending.

How social media lost the New Zealand election
Tue, 30th Sep 2014
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
In the wake of the 2014 general election, it could be time for companies and political parties alike to take a fresh look at social media.

Social Media Charity Crazes - will there be another ice bucket challenge?
Tue, 30th Sep 2014
social media
Charity through viral challenges: more than just a trend? After the ice bucket challenge, the real impact and future potentials are questioned.

Post-election Facebook: all is not quiet.
Mon, 29th Sep 2014
social media
labour party
I’ve noticed that left-wing supporters are far more vocal about their distaste for the right than right-wing supports are at all.

Is it time for CEOs to hammer home Yammer?
Mon, 15th Sep 2014
social media
customer success
As the CEO-worker gap widens, is it high time for top execs to embrace Yammer for better enterprise social networking?.

Ra ra-ah-ah-ah... Lady Gaga caught in a Kiwi tech romance...
Mon, 15th Sep 2014
social media
Lady Gaga teams up with Shuttlerock to create a poster for her new album using fan photos uploaded to her Japanese website.

Noel Leeming aims to build '100-year business' with company rebrand
Tue, 9th Sep 2014
noel leeming
social media
Noel Leeming undergoes major rebrand with new logos and signage, reflecting its future while retaining its heritage.

Get social with sales to capitalise on Enterprise 2.0...
Wed, 3rd Sep 2014
social media
Brands ignoring social media miss out, says expert, urging businesses to engage digitally for increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Censorship... Is Facebook keeping Kiwis quiet?
Mon, 1st Sep 2014
social media
This is interesting considering the upcomoing election here in New Zealand; a topic that gets up a lot of people’s grills...

Why the term “thought leader” sounds self righteous and pompous...
Fri, 29th Aug 2014
social media
analyst report
The rise of self-professed thought leaders on social media raises questions about ego vs. audience, writes Jake Sorofman of Gartner.

Gartner observes... Marketers, Cynics, and the #ALSIceBucketChallenge
Wed, 27th Aug 2014
social media
analyst report
The #ALSIceBucketChallenge has taken much of the social media world by storm, but not without generating blowback from critics and cynics.

Youi Insurance: Using tech to take on the big boys
Tue, 26th Aug 2014
data analytics
Despite being the self-proclaimed new kids on the insurance block in New Zealand, Youi Insurance is bucking the industry trend when it comes to techno.

Do you really hate Facebook? Or is it just because you're supposed to?
Mon, 25th Aug 2014
social media
Critiquing yet addicted, the masses declare disdain for Facebook, but its embedded role in daily life proves otherwise.

IT leaders: 8 steps to build a compelling business case for social initiatives...
Fri, 22nd Aug 2014
social media
analyst report
Gartner outlines 8 vital steps for IT leaders to craft a winning case for social and collaboration software investments amidst rising complexities.

Will social data monitoring improve the Kiwi workplace?
Thu, 21st Aug 2014
digital transformation
social media
Nearly a third of workers are happy for their employer to have access to personal data, according to a report by PwC.

Premier League struggles to clamp down on illegal online highlights
Thu, 21st Aug 2014
social media
Premier League faces uphill battle to curb illegal online goal sharing, too vast for current copyright laws, experts predict.

State of crowd funding 'very immature and highly fragmented'
Sat, 16th Aug 2014
social media
analyst report
The crowdfunding landscape remains in its infancy, marked by fragmentation and diverse models. Analyst Anthony J. Bradley explores this emerging sector.

Where has all the Social gone...?
Mon, 11th Aug 2014
social media
contact centre
Do you wonder where all the interest in social went? Once the hottest trend since sliced bread, interest in social definitely dissipated.

Recent volatility gives way to positivity as IT spending rises...
Sat, 9th Aug 2014
data analytics
IT spending is set to improve in H2 2014, with a significant commercial PC refresh cycle already underway, says IDC.